Monday, 26 April 2010

Bee research.

One of the main ideas in the plastic bottle plant pot is to encourage bees to come and pollinate the flowers. Thus improving the numbers of bees (hopefully) in the Wrexham area. It is culturally important at the moment, as research has shown that the Bumble Bee and Honey Bee populations are decreasing. Reasons for this are currently unknown, but there are many theories to do with Global Warming, increased use of insecticides on plants and evidence of a disease and parasitic growths on the bees.

It is highly worrying that these animals are demising at such a rate, for the play a vital part in our horticultural and agricultural worlds. As well as being an important part in the ecosystem. The Bee pollinates many plants which we require for food. They are highly important pollinators of flowers.

'It is often said that one in three mouthfuls of food is directly dependent on the pollinating activities of honeybees; and these same bees play a vital role in providing food for wildlife (e.g. through the development of fruit, which is a food source for many other species).' source

"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man," Albert Einstein.

The plant pot will have information plates on the sides of it. These are to bring awareness to the importance of Bees and to encourage the people of Wrexham to plant flowers which will encourage further Bees to the region.

I believe that this could be a very good promotion for the town (and surrounding villages) as it shows the wider Wales and UK that here is a town attempting to improve the wider conservation of this vital animal.
It would be beneficial to get further information/endorsement from companies such as WWF or as these places would provide more support and information to the cause.

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